To All Our Supporters and New Friends:
The Tioga Point Museum is grateful for your continued support. We rely in great part on membership and private donations to keep our collection open with free admission to the public, as directed by our founding members in the late 19th century.
We are looking at alternative ways to strengthen our financial position by seeking grants and asking local companies to partner with us to continue our effort to bring educational and entertaining exhibits and events to Tioga Point, as well as partner for maintenance assistance and materials to preserve the Spalding Building, that houses both the Museum and Library.
​You can help by continuing to support the museum through your membership, asking your friends, family and coworkers to become members, or simply by giving someone a membership as a gift!
Membership Levels and Benefits ​
$25 - Basic Membership​​
$50 - Research / Business Membership - (includes 1 hour of staff research time per year) ​
$100 - Family:
$250 - Patron: (Two tickets to the "Wine, Dine & A Brew or Two") ​
$500 - Sponsor: (Limited Edition archival print "Main Street, Athens" Henry Walton, 1854.) ​
$1000 - Benefactor - Lifetime membership (Limited Edition archival print "Main Street, Athens" Henry Walton, 1854., Two tickets to the ​"Wine, Dine & A Brew or Two", ​10% discount on purchases.) ​ ​​
The Tioga Point Museum receives no state, county, or local government support for operating expenses. We value member support and contributions, as much of the museum's annual budget is derived from membership dues.